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Laundry Washing Powder (18oz)

Laundry Washing Powder (18oz)


You only need to use 1-2 Tablespoons of powder per load of laundry. Wooden scoop included!


I like to live as green and chemical free as I can. Having three kids only increases my obsession to ditch chemical laced products. I find this laundry powder to be just as good if not better than most store bought laundry detergents and it's chemical free! Common ingredients you will NEVER find in KK's Products but are almost always listed in other products include:

  • Fragrances – Synthetic fragrances contain phthalates, parabens, allergens, or other irritants.
  • Bleach (chlorine) – This is known to be an irritant for many.
  • Dyes – They can be contaminated with heavy metals like cadmium, arsenic, and lead. Dyes really serve no purpose in the effectiveness of the cleaning product. They are used to make a product more visually appealing.
  • Phosphates — This is main cleaning agent used in most detergents and other cleaning products. They are known to cause skin irritation among other things.


Will these ingredients make suds and bubbles?

No. The amount of Castile soap used is very minimal.


What is the purpose of the salts?

The salt helps keep the colors from fading and helps lift stains. The Epsom salt helps to soften the clothing.


Does this work ok for cold water washes?

Yes, this works in cold and warm water.

  • Epsom Salt
  • Sea Salt
  • Washing Soda
  • Castile Soap Flakes
  • Rose Essential Oil
  • Lavender Essential Oil
  • Lemon Essential Oil
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